Life & Relationship Coach
at FilomenaDBcoach, LLC
I am a counselor and trained coach that found the motivation to pursue a deeper meaning in helping people. I continuously strive to find the means to facilitate and encourage growth by support and improving the quality and purpose in people’s relationship issues.
Many things have happened to me in my life but building a new life in the United States in my forties was the best! I am originally from Brasil, and at home, we speak Portuguese. I am a city girl, and I used to say that I would never leave the city that I loved most -- São Paulo. However, when my husband got a relocation offer -- only God can explain -- but I accepted all the unknown right away to live in a small city in Michigan. Because of this big step in our lives, I put my career of 18 years in Managing Customer Services operations on standby and used my free time to improve my English communication skills and to keep myself updated in the most critical issues around my new life. I was satisfied until I felt this need to get back into the workforce. I was looking for a second career, and in my quest for a new path, I wanted to benefit from my bachelor's degree in social communications that I got in my twenties.
I am a believer and a person of faith, so just identifying my deepest expectations was not enough.
I needed to find my calling and follow the path that God had prepared for me at this time in my life. In this process, I met many interesting people who supported and helped me achieve my goal.
Even with all the experience in Marketing, I decided to go back to school and get certified in Housekeeping Management hoping that it could let me get back to working with people from diverse backgrounds and areas. However, before I begin, fortunately, my husband got a promotion that required us to move to Dallas, Texas.
Going back to living in a bigger city was the incentive for me to embrace the challenge of joining a master's program in the field of helping people, an area that has been my passion and calling since the beginning of my professional life. As a full-time student of the counseling program, in 2016 I majored in the Master of Arts in Counseling. I also became certified as an Anger Management Specialist. I had many incredible experiences as a practicum student and later as a volunteer in a church-based Counseling Center. However, things were not entirely clear to me. As a counselor, we see clients only within the professional standard. I was missing the right energy and the fun in training, developing, managing, and relating to the people around me.
Even though I already said it, I am very grateful for all the incredible people who have crossed my path to the new career, is it important to mention a fantastic supervisor that I had during my work as a counselor. He was the one who planted the seed saying that I was a good coach and should focus on relational issues. So, in 2018 I took more courses at the Institute for Life Coach Training - ILCT -- the Coach Approach and the Introduction to Relationship Coaching.
Since then, I have found myself investing all my time and knowledge to serve as a life coach, preparing myself to offer coaching services, tools and techniques to anyone who wants to invest in their future just as I did. Nothing brings me more pleasure in life than helping a person see that their possibilities are limitless just like mine. People need to adjust, change or implement a new worldview to get the best of their life.
These days we are living in New Jersey, and I have a marriage of more than 30 years. I am retired by the Brazilian system. In 2010 we became US Citizens, and we have a daughter who graduated in film production, is married and works in Vancouver-BC.
Every obstacle on this journey was a motivation to keep me going, and it feels good to find a purpose and keep answering my calling at this stage in my life!